Latest News

Carer’s Allowance Overpayments Campaign
Information, NewsAs you may have seen, there has been very significant media attention regarding the issue of Carer’s Allowance overpayments over the past week or so.
To ensure Carers UK have the evidence they need to argue for changes to be urgently made…

Disabled Toilet Access Redcar & Cleveland
Information, NewsChanging places toilets - Redcar & Cleveland
Information about the changing places toilets (CPTs) available in Redcar and Cleveland.
Where you can find Changing Place Toilets
The Changing Places Toilets…

Disabled Toilet Access Middlesbrough
Information, NewsChanging places toilets - Middlesbrough
Information about the changing places toilets (CPTs) available in Middlesbrough and Surrounding area
Middlesbrough has a number of purpose-built Changing Places toilets for disabled people. Changing…

The Carers Leave Act for Business
Information, NewsEmployers - Are you ready for the 6th April?
The Carers Leave Act will give rights to over 2 million employees in England, Scotland and Wales who are carers. It will also mean that employers will need to think about their employees with caring…

The Carer’s Leave Act for Carers
Information, NewsFrom the 6th April 2024, unpaid carers across Great Britain, including Wales, will have new rights under the law. This right is for all unpaid carers to take up to one week of unpaid leave from their employer per year to provide unpaid care…

State of Caring 2023 – Health
News, ReportsCarers UK has released new research - State of Caring Health Report - as part of the State of Caring research series which finds that a widespread lack of support and recognition from health and care services is severely damaging unpaid carers'…

Carers’ employment rights today, tomorrow and in the future – Report
Information, News, ReportsCarers UK have launched a report for Carers Rights Day, which looks at the impact of juggling work with care - plus the rights that carers have now, new changes to the law and what they believe would best support carers in employment in the…

Carers from Ethnic Minorities – Information Video Launch
Information, News
As part of our continued effort to bring our services to as many people as we can in the community, we have produced a series of short videos in partnership with the BME network and CVFM Radio. These videos give information on how we work…
1 week ago
A summary of the events and groups on at Carers Together next week
- beginning 10th February.
Please note that all events are only available to people who are registered as a carer with Carers Together.
You can register as a carer with our online registration form (this needs to be completed before booking onto an event)
For further information and to book onto an event visit our website at carerstogether.co.uk/events/
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2 weeks ago
Some action shots from our new badminton session, thanks to MFC Community Foundation for helping us put on this event.![]()
For more events check out our website at carerstogether.co.uk/events/![]()
MFC Foundation
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01642 488977
Redcar Office
Innovation Centre, Vienna Court, Corfu Way, Kirkleatham Business Park, Redcar TS10 5SH.
what3words: ///taps.hang.forms
Middlesbrough Office
Parkview Medical Centre, Marton Road, Middlesbrough, TS4 2NS.
what3words: ///this.guides.retain
Charity number: 1128910.
Company number: 6746629