Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion
Equality, diversity, and inclusion are central to everything we do at Carers Together. We believe in an inclusive society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We recognise that every person is an individual with different needs, preferences, and abilities. Our aim is to reflect this diversity in everything we do, including making our services inclusive and accessible to all sections of the community, and attracting and retaining a diverse workforce.
Equality, diversity, and inclusion are central to everything we do at Carers Together.
What is diversity and inclusion?
We all come from different backgrounds, have different family relationships, come from different geographical places, have different faith and belief systems, and have different abilities. These differences can be obvious, but some cannot be seen. Diversity is about positively valuing and harnessing these differences. Inclusion refers to a person’s experience – whether that is at work, accessing services or in wider society – and the extent to which they feel valued and included. Positively valuing diversity and inclusion helps us learn, innovate, and deliver services for the people we are here to help. We strive to value and harness diversity in everything we do, including making our services inclusive and accessible to everyone.
What is our position on diversity and inclusion?
Carers Together will not tolerate any discrimination, victimisation, or harassment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, or a person’s caring responsibilities.
We are committed to tackling the inequalities and exclusion experienced by many carers and the people they care for and promoting equality and inclusion in all areas of our work.
How do we promote inclusion?
Within our services
Equalities monitoring is essential for us to identify who is accessing our services and identify any variations in their experiences with us.
This data helps us plan and develop our services so that we can address any identified gaps or inequalities – for example if our monitoring highlights a lack of take up from a specific group of carers, we will review and develop our services to ensure that they are accessible and inclusive.
Our strategic approach
Carers and the people they care for frequently experience discriminatory treatment.
Carers Together works hard to make carers voices heard on the issues affecting their lives, influencing decision makers, and working with other service providers to help shape services for carers.