Dementia Action Week

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As part of The Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Action week we at Carers Together have put together helpful information for Carers who look after people who suffer from any type of Dementia.


If you’re worried about yourself or someone close to you, you can complete the Alzheimers societys symptoms checklist and show it to a GP or health professional. You can fill in the checklist online or print it out and complete it offline.

To complete it online : Click Here

To print out a PDF version: Click Here

Help and support with dementia care

Advice on getting help and support when caring for someone with dementia. Including information about getting support from your GP, health and social care professionals, respite care and how carers can look after themselves too.

Dementia Care

Caring for a person with dementia: A practical guide

To Download a PDF copy of the above guide Click Here

If you wish to order a copy to be sent by post Click Here

Support for carers

How can a carer communicate with a person with dementia?

How can a carer for a person with dementia get support? 

Helpsheets about dementia

Helpsheets about Dementia

Helpful Videos:

What is dementia?

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

How getting a dementia diagnosis can help

It’s not called getting old

Managing your money after a dementia diagnosis

Full List of Alzheimers Society Youtube Videos