Time to Act Report


A new report titled “Time to Act: A Roadmap for Reforming Care and Support in England” has been released, providing a comprehensive guide to improving care and support in England.

The report was commissioned by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and developed by a team of experts from across the care and support sector.

The report identifies eight outcomes that define the desired future system of care and support in England. It sets out ten broad “areas for action” that support the shift towards the desired future system of care and support in England. For each area of action, specific actions are identified that are needed in the short, medium, and long term to make progress.

The report emphasizes the importance of involving people who draw on care and support, their families, and carers in decisions about their care. It recognizes the vital role that carers play in supporting people to live well and independently. The report calls for investment in training, development, and career progression opportunities for staff across all sectors of care and support.

Sarah McClinton, President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) said:

After decades of false dawns on reforms and funding, never in my professional career have I seen the adult care system so close to breaking point. Millions of people are in pain or distress because they aren’t getting the care they need and family and friends picking up the pieces are being pushed to the edge.

We’ve been trying to patch-up social care for years, but we’ve run out of road. We need to act now to save social care. We don’t expect the Government to wave a magic wand, but we do need the political will to invest in a long-term plan to ensure good care is available to everyone, everywhere.

And the Government must back local leaders and local people to take charge of fixing care in their communities because they know what’s needed. What’s impressive in this report is that despite the odds we’ve faced – the pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis, chronic underfunding – local people are showing what’s possible. But they need the backing of the whole country to make it happen everywhere.

The report is aimed at everyone involved in adult social care, including regulators, providers, policymakers, user-led organizations as well as people who draw on care or have family members or carers who do so.

To read the full report “Time to Act: A Roadmap for Reforming Care and Support in England”, please click on the link below.

Adass – Time to Act Report – April 2023